Day by Day cartoon

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Enough with this schoolwork already!

Isn't there a kegger party somewhere to crash? Can I get together with my neighbor Roger and have an "old farts" frat party to blow off some studying steam?

I sure feel like I could use it. I have studied and done homework diligently this weekend. Tomorrow is my final for the macroeconomics class, online, and ocnflicting with my accounting class... what was I thinking when I planned that? Good Grief! I also didn't learn the secrets to this proxied test scheduling until this weekend, even though my final is tomorrow, I still have reading to do and answer to for the last week of class!

And accounting ends with a final on Friday and still 2 chapters to cover in class this week! I think I have done all the homework that will be required but there's a study guide to work that will take up several more hours before the test.

Look at what time I'm posting this- its late. I just finished printing out all the review material for tomorrow's test. I think I'm taking the morning off to review instead of going to work.

I did break out of my closet for a few hours this weekend for fun stuff. Saturday the BSU and I went to see Hotel Rhwanda. Its a riveting movie. It left me with a deeper understanding of how hatred can be festered and harvested all because of a name stamped in a document. It also furthered my belief that the United Nations is of no value in the world except for setting up tents and soup lines.

Today I snuck out to the shop for a couple hours to continue with the scooter engine upsizing project. Its all apart, the head and all the components are on the bench. I took a number of pictures but its too late to be uploading them tonight. I'll be saving them for a special post all about the swap.

And except for those two breaks, I've been at the schoolwork all weekend. But next weekend, I'm free!

What to do, what to do with all that free time? Something nice with the spouse maybe...

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